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Head VI. in Hell. 577
ftone be laid upon it, and it ftand for ever between
you and Bappinefs. Tremble at the Thoughts of
Rejection and Separation from God. By whomfo-
ever Men are reje&ed on the Earth, they ordinarily
find fome to pity them : But if ye be thus fepa-
rated from God, ye will find all Doors fhut againft
you. Ye’il find no Pity from any in Heaven 3 nei¬
ther Saints nor Angels will pity them, whom God
has utterly call off: None will pity you in Hell,
where there’s no Love but Loathing; all being
loathed of God, loathing him, and loathing one
another. This is a Day of Lolfes and Fears. I
ftiew you a Lofs, ye would do well to fear in Time;
be afraid left you lofe God: If ye do, a long Eter¬
nity will be fpent in roaring out Lamentations for
this Lofs. O horrid Stupidity ! Men are in a
mighty Care andConcern to prevent worldly Lolfes:
But they are in Hazard of lofing the Enjoyment of
God for ever and ever, in Hazard of lofing Heaven,
the Communion of the Bkfiid, and all good Things
for Soul and Body in another World 3 yet as carelefs
in that Matter, as if they were incapable of Thought.
O compare this Day with the Day our Text aims
at. This Day Heaven is opened to them, who hi¬
therto have rejefted Chrift, and yet there is roomi.
if they will come : But that Day the Doors fhall
be Ihut. Now Chrift is faying unto you, Come i
Then he’ll fay. Depart; feeing ye would not come,
when ye were bidden. Now t ity is fhown 3 the
Lord pities you, his Servants pity you, and tell
you that the Pit k before you, and cry to you
that ye do your felves no Harm: But then fhall ye
have no Pity from God nor Man-.
Secondly, The Damned lhall be punilhed
in Hell, with the Punijbment of Senfe 3 they muft
O o 2 depart