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Head V. they're introduc'd, 551
Firfi, He brings them in as the blejjed of his Fa-
. ther; fo runs the Call from the Thame, Come ye
i hlejfed of my Fat her,See. ’Tis Chuffs Father7 s Houfe
I they are to come into: Therefore he puts them in
I Mind, that they are blcfled of his Father; dear to
the Father, as well as to himfelf. This is it that
makes Heaven home to them; namely that 5tis
Chrifl’s Father’s Houfe, where they may be allured
) of Welcome, being married to the Son, and being
! his Father’s Choice for that very End. He brings
; them in for bis Father’s Sake, as well as for his
1 own : They are the Blelfed of his Father; who, as
i he is the Fountain of the Deity, is, alfo the Foun¬
tain of all Bleflings confer’d on the Children of
Mon. They are thefe to whom God dejigned well
i from Eternity. They were blelfed in the eternal •
Purpofe of God, being defied to everlafting Life :
At the opening of the Book of Life, their Names
were found written therein. So that, bringing
them to the Kingdom, he doth but bring them to
what the Father, from all Eternity, defign’d for
j them: Being faved by the Son, they are famed
according to his (i. e. the Father’s) PurpoJe,i Tim.
■ i. 9. They are thefe to whom the Father has fpoken
well. He fpoke well to them in his Word, which
muft now receive its lull Accomplilhment. They
had his Promife of the Kingdom, liv’d and died in
the Faith of it: And now they come to receive
the Thing promifed. Unto them he has done well.
A Gift is often in Scripture called a Blejfmg ; and
God’s BlelTmg is ever real, like Ifzac’s Blcfling. by
which Jacob became his Heir: They were ail, by
his Grace, juftified, fanfiified, and made to perfe-
vere unto the End; now they are raifed up in Glo-
: jry, and, being try’d, Hand in the Judgment: