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5^ The Royal Trcafures. State 1 Vo
they (hall freely eat of it, and live for ever. And
they fhall drink of the River of PleafurBs, (Pfal.
xxxvi. 8.) thefe fweeteft and purcft PleafureS, the
which Immanuel’s Land doth afford; and fhall
fwim in an Ocean of unmixt Delight, for evermore.
VII. They fhall have Royal tfreafures, fufficient
to fupport the Dignity they are advanced unto. ;
Since the Street of the Royal City is pure Gold,
and the twelve Gates thereof are twelve Pearls; '
their Treafure muft be of that which is better than
Gold or Pearl. It is an eternal IVeight of Glory, \
2 Cor. iv. 17. O precious Treafure! A Treafure
not liable to ihfenfiblc Corruption, by Moths lot \
Rufi; a Treafure which none can fleal from them,
Matth. vi. 20. Never did any Kingdom afford
fuch a precious Treafure, nor a Treafure of fuch ;
Variety ,• for he that overcometh Jhall inherit all \
^things, Rev. xxi. 7. No Treafures on Earth are ;
ftor’d with all Things : If they were all put toge- :
ther in one, there would be far more valuable r
Things wanting in that one, than found in it.
This then is the peculiar Treafure of thefe Kings, i
who inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. They fhall ^
want nothing, that ipay contribute to their full ’
Satisfaction. Now-they are rich in Hope : But i
then they’ll have their Riches in Hand. Now all :
Things are theirs in refpefi: of Right : Then all .
fhall be theirs in Poffeffion. They may go for ever
thro’ Immanuel’s Land, and behold the Glory and
Riches thereof, with the fatisfying Thought, That
all they fee is their own. ’Tis pity thefe fhould e-
ver be uneafy, under the Want of earthly good ;
Things, who may be fure, they fhall inherit all
Things at length.
ynr. Ai-