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Head V, White Garments] 517
Sin, and the reigning Power of it, are now taken
away in the Saints, neverthclefs Sin dwelleth in
them, Kom. vii. 20. But then it ihall be no more
in them : The corrupt Nature will be quite re¬
mov’d : That Root of Bicternefs will be pluckt
up, and no Veftiges of it left in their Souls : Their
Nature ihall be aftogether pure and finlefs. There
ihall be no Darknefs in their Minds; but the l/n-
derfianding of every Saint, when he is come to his
Kingdom, will be as a Globe of pure and unmixed
Light. There lhali not be the lead Averiion to
1 Good, or Inclination to Evil, in their IViUs: But
I they’ll be brought to a perfeft Conformity to the
Will of God j bleft with angelical Purity, and fix-
1 ed therein. Their Affeftions ihall not be liable to
M the lead Diforder or Irregularity: ’ Twill cod them
i no Trouble to keep them right: They’d get fuch
! a Set of Purity, as they can never lofe. They’ll be
l fo refin’d from all earthly Drofs, as never to favout
! more of any Thing but Heaven, Were it poffible
t they ihould be fet again, amidd the enfnaring Ob-
[ jefts of an evil World, they ihould walk among
t them without the lead Defilement; as the Sun
f fliines on the Dunghill, yet untainted • and as the
. Angels preferv’d their Purity in the midd of Sodom.
Their Graces ihall then be perfected ; and all the
Imperfection now cleaving to them, done away.
' There will be no more ground for Complaints of
r Weaknefs of Grace: None in that Kingdom ihall
i complain of an ill Heart, or a corrupt Nature. It
t doth not yet appear what we Jhall be, but—when he
V Jhall appear ; we Jhall be like him, 1 John iii, 2.
^thirdly. Among the Jews, thefe who defired to
I be admitted into the priedly Office, being tried,
■i and found to be of the Prieds Line, and without
K k 4 Blc-