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Head IV. the Saints. 503
^though ye haw lyen among the Pots : Tet Jhall ye be
as the IVmgs of a Dove covered with Silver, and
her Feathers with yellow Gold, Plal. Ixviii. 13. Tno3
the World judge and condemn you; the
Judge, will at that Day, abfolve you, and bring
forth your Kighteoufnefs as the Light. The World’s
Fools, will then appear to have been the only wife
Men who were in ic. Tho’ the Crofs be heavy, you
rnay well bear it, in Expe&ation ok the Crown o£
Righfeoufncfs, which the righteous Judge will then
give you. If the World do defpile you, and neat
you with the utmoft Contempt, regard it not: The
Day cometh wherein you lhail lit with Chrift, in
his Throne. Be not difeouraged, by Reafon of
manifold temptations. But nfift the Devil, in Con¬
fidence ok a tull and compleat Vittory; for you
ftiall judge the Tempter at laft. Tho’ you have hard
JVredhng now, witn the Body of Sin and Death ;
yet ye lhail get all your Enemies under your Feet,
at length, and be prefented Faultlefs before the pre¬
fence of his Glory. Let not the Terror ot that Day
difpirit you, when you think upon it: Let thelc
who have flighted the Judge,, and continue Enemies
to him, and to the Way ok Holinefs, droop and
hang down their Heads, when they think ot his
coming: But lirt ye up your Heads with Joy, for
the laft Day will be your belt Day. The Judge is
your Head and Husband, your Redeemer, and
your Advocate. Ye muft appear before the Judg¬
ment-Seat, but ye Jhall not come into Condemnation,
John v. 24. His coming will not be agamfl you,
but for yo#. He came in the Fle(h, to remove the
lawful Impediments of the fpiritual Marriage, by
his Death': He came in the Gofpel to you, to e-
fpoufe you to himfelf: He’ll come, at the laft Day,