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Head IV. Conflagration* $01
the Curfe, are removed out of the World ( for which
very Caufe fhall the Conflagration be) and they are
confin’d to the Place of the Damn’d. Befides all
this, *tis evident the End of the World is by the
Conflagration: And the Apoftle tells us (i Cor.
xv. 24, 2j.) That then cometh the End, when he
Jhall have delivered up the Kingdom to God, even
the Father; when be Jball have put down all Rule
and all Authority, and Power. For he mufi reign,
till he hath put all Enemies under his Feet. The
which laft, as it muft be done before the End ; fo
it feems not to be done, but by putting the Sentence
in Execution, paft in the Day of Judgment, againft
the Wicked.
Now if the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah, that
are fet forth for an Example, (Jude 7.) was fo dread¬
ful : How terrible will that Day be, when the
whole World fhall be at once in Flames ! How will
wretched Worldlings look, when their darling
World fliall be all on Fire? Then fhali ftrong
Caftles, and towring Palaces, with all their rich
Furniture, go up together in one Flame, with the
loweft Cottages. What Heart can fully conceive
the Terror ol that Day to the Wicked, when the
whole Fabrick of Heaven and Earth fhall at once
be diflfolv’d, by that Firel When that miferable
Company fhall be driven from the Tribunal to
the Pit, with Fire within them, and Fire without
them; and Fire behind them,and on every Hand of
them; and Fire before them, awaiting them in the
Lake: Whither this Fire (for ought appears) may
follow them!
As for the particular Place of this Judgment, tho1
fome Point us to the Valley of JehoJhaphat for it;
yet our Lord who infallibly knew it, being ask’d
the Queftion, by his Difciples, where Lord ? Told
I i 4 them