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I Head IV. the TVorld. 493
Matters? Ver. 3. Know ye not that wejhall judge
Angels ? Being called, they come to receive their
Kingdom, in the View of Angels and Men: They
go, as it were, from the Bar to the Throne, To him
that overcometb will I grant to fit with me in my
Throne, Rev. iii. 21. They ihall not only judge
the World, in Chrift their Head, by Way of Com¬
munion with him ; by their Works compared with
thefe of thefc Ungodly ; or by Way of Tefiimony
againft them : But they fhall be Ajfejjbrs to Jefus
Chrift the Judge, giving their Voice againft them,
Confenting to his Judgment as j'uft, and faying A-
men to the Doom pronounc’d againft all the Un¬
godly : As is faid of the Saints, upon the Judgment
of the great Whore, Re<v. xix. 1, 2. Hallelujah—
for true and righteous are his'Judgments. Thus the
Upright Jhall ha'vc Dominion over them, in the
Morning of the Refurre&ion, Pfal. xlix. 14. Then,
and not till then, lhall that be fully accomplifhed,
which ye have read, Pfal. cxlix. 6, 7, 8, 9. Let the
high Praifes of God he in their Mouth, and a two-
edged Sword in their Hand, to execute Vengeance u-
pon the Heathen, and Punifhments upon the People,
this Honour have all his Saints. O ! what a
ftrange Turn of Affairs will appear here! What
an aftonifhing Sight will it be, to fee wicked Church¬
men and Statef-men, ftanding as Criminals before
the Saints, whom fometime they condemn’d as He-
reticks, Rebels and Traitors 1 To fee Men of
Riches and Power ftand pale-fac’d, before thefe
whom they opprefs’d ! To fee the Mocker ftand
trembling before thefe he mocked: The worldly
wife Man before thefc whom he accounted Fools !
Then fhall the defpifed Faces of the Saints, be dread¬
ful Faces to the Wicked: And thofe who fomc-