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476 The Compearance State IV.
palliate the Crime. He is the Searcher of Hearts,
to whom nothing can be hid or perplex’d; but all
things are naked and open unto his Eyes, Heb.
iv. 13. (4-) A moji juft Judge; a Judge of per-
fe& Integrity. He is the righteous Jud^e (2 Tim.
iv. 8.) and his Throne a great white ^throne (Rev.
xx. 11.) from whence no Judgment Ihall proceed,
but what is moft pure and fpotlefs. The Thebans
painted Juflice blind, and without Hands: For
Judges ought not to refpeft Perfons, nor take Bribes.
The Areopagites judged in the dark; that they
might not regard who fpoke, but what wasfpoken.
With the Judge on this Throne, there will be no
Refpeft of Perfons; he’ll neither regard the Perfons
of the Rich,, nor of the Poor : But juft Judgment
ihall go forth, in every one’s Caufe. Lafily, An
Omnipotent Judge, able to put his Sentence in Ex¬
ecution. The united Force of Devils and wicked
Men will be altogether unable to withftand him.
They cannot retard the Execution of the Sentence
a^ainft them, one Moment ; far lefs can they flop
it altogether. Ihoufand thoufands (of Angels) mi¬
ni fter unto him, Dan. vii. ic. And by the Breath
of his Mouth, he can drive the curfed Herd whi¬
ther he pleafeth.
V. The Parties Ihall compear. Thefe are Men
and Devils. Altho’ thofe laft, the fallen Angels,
were from the firft Moment of their Sinning, fub-
jefted to the Wrath of God, and were caft down
to Hell; and wherefoever they go, they carry their
Hell about with them : Yet ’tis evident, that they
are referred unto Judgment, ( 2 Pet. ii. 4.) namely,
unto the Judgment of the great Day, Jude 6. And
then they ftiall be folemnly and publickly judged,
1 Cor. vi. 3. Know ye not that we Jleall judge sin-
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