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4.74 The Judge’s fitting down State IV.
IV. The Judge ftiall fit down on the ^tribunal •
he jhall fit on the throne tf his Glory. Sometime
he flood before a Tribunal on Earth, and was con¬
demn’d as a Malefa&or : Then he ihall fit on his
own Tribunal, and judge the World. Sometime
he hung upon the Crofs, covered with Shame: Then
he fhall fit on a Throne of Glory. What this
Zhrone {hall be, whether a bright Cloud, or what
clfe, I {hall not enquire. Our Eyes will give an
Anfwer to that Queftion at length. John faw a
great white ^throne. Rev, xx. i x. His throne ( fays
Daniel) was like the fiery Flame, and bis IVheels
as burning Fire, Chap. vii. p. Whatever it be,
doubtlefs it {hall be a Throne glorious beyond Ex-
preflion ; and in Comparifon with which, the mofl
glorious Throne on the Earth, is but a Seat on a
Dunghill j and the Sight of it will equally fur-
prize Kings, who fat on Thrones in this Life, and
Beggars, who fat on Dunghills. ’Twill be a Throne,
for Statelinefs and Glory, fuited to the Quality of
him, who {hall fit on it. Never had a Judge fuch
a Throne, and never had a Throne fuch a Judge
in it.
Leaving the Difcovery of the Nature of the
Throne until that Day, it concerns us more nearly
to confider, what a Judge will fit on itj a Point in
which we are not left to uncertain Conje&ures.
The Judge on the Throne will be (i.) A vifible
Judge, vifible to our Body Eyes, Rev. i. 7. Every
Eye Jhall fee him. When God gave the Law on
Mount Sinai, the People faw no Similitude, only
they heard a Voice ; But when he calls the World
to an Account, how they have obferved his Law j
the Man Chrift being Judge, we {hall fee our Judge
with our Eyes, either to our eternal Comfort or