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i Head IV. The Coming of the Judge. 471
( is the Judge, in rcfpeft of Difpenfation, and fpecial
I Exercife of that Power. The Judgment fhall be
1 exercifed or performed by him, as the Royal Me¬
diator ; for he has a delegated Power of Judgment
from the Father, as his Servant, tys King, whom
he hath fet upon bis holy Hill of Zion (Pfal. ii. 6.)
and to whom he hath committed all Judgment,
John v. 22. This is a Part of the Mediator’s Ex¬
altation, given him in Confcquence ot his volun¬
tary Humiliation, Philip, ii. 8. 9, 10. He humbled
him ft If, and became obedient unto Death, even the
Death of the Qrofs. IVherefore God alfo hath high¬
ly exalted him, and given him a Name, which is
above every Name, (i. e. Power and Authority
over all, to wit,) That at (or in) the Name efje-
fus, (not, the Name Jefus; that’s not the Name
above every Name, being common to others, as to
Jufius^ Col. iv. 11. and JoJhua, Heb. iv. 8.) Eve¬
ry Knee Jhould bow. The which is explained by
the Apoftle himfelf of funding before the Judgment-
feat of Chrif, Rom. xiv. 10, 11. So he who was
judged and condemned of Men, fhall be the Judge
of Men and Angels.
II. Jefus Chrift the Judge, defcending from Hea¬
ven into the Air, (1 The]]', iv. 16, 17.; lhall come
in the Clouds of Heaven with Power and great Glo¬
ry, Matth. xxiv. 30. This his coming will be a
mighty Surprize to the World, which will be found
in deep Security j foolilh Virgins fleeping, and the
wife (lumbering. There will then be much Luxury
and Debauchery in the World, little Sobriety and
Watchmlnefs a great Throng of Buiinefs, but a
great Scarcity ot Faith ana Hoiinels. As it was hi
the Days of Noah, jo aifo (had u be in the Days of
\ the Son of an. They did eat, they drank, they