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4.66 There (hall be a State IV.
D O C T. 'There JhaU he a general Judgment.
ThisDo&rine I (hall, (i.) confirm, (2.) explain,
and (3.) apply.
I. For Confirmation of this great Truth, That
there lhall be a general Judgment.
Firft, ’Tis evident from plain Scripture Teftimo-
nies. The World has in all Ages been told of it.
Enoch, before the Flood, taught it in his Prophefy
related Jude ver. 14, 15. Behold the Lord eometb
with ten Thoufands of his Saints, to execute Judg¬
ment upon all, &c. Daniel dcfcribes it, Chap. vii.
9, 10, I beheld till the Thrones were caft down, and
the Ancient of Days did fit, whofe Garment was
white as Snow, and the Hair of his Head like the
pure IVool: His Throne was like the fiery Flame,
and his Wheels as burning Eire. A fiery Stream if-
fued and came forth from before him: Thoufand
Thoufands 'mmifired unto him, and ten thoufand
Times ten thoufand food before him: The Judgment
was fet, and the Books were opened. The Apoftle
is very exprefs, ABs xvii. 31. He hath appointed a
Day, in the which he will judge the World in Kigh-
teoufnefs, by that Man whom he hath ordained. See
Matth. xvi. 27. 2 Cor. v. 10. 2 Thefi i. 7, 8, $>, 10.
Rev. xx. 11, is, 13, 14, 15. God has not only
faid it, but he has fworn ir, Rom. xiv. 10, 11. We
mufi all (land before the Judgment-feat of Chrift.
For it is written, As I live, faith the Lord, every
Knee Jball bow-to me, and every Tongue Jhall confefs
to God. So that the Truth of God is moft folemn-
ly plighted for it