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45B Comfort to the State IV,
Spectacles, coming forth of their Graves, like infer¬
nal Furies out of the Pit. They fhall rife alfo tc
everlafiing Contempt. They fhall then be the moll!
contemptible Creatures, fill’d with Contempt from
God; as Vejjels of D{(honourwhatever honourable
Ufes they have been employed to, in this World
And filled alfo with Contempt from Men. They’ll
be mo^l defpicable in the Eyes of the Saints: Even
of thofe Saints, who gave them Honour here; either,
for their high Station, the Gifts of God in them, or
becaule they were of the fame human Nature with
themfelvcs. But then fhall their Bodies be as fo
many Fathfomc Carcafes, which theyfhallgo forth
and look upon with Abhorrence: Yea, they fhall be
an abhorring unto all Flefh, Ifa. Ixvi. 24. The Word;
here rendered an abhorring, is the fame which in the
other Text is rendered Contempt-, and Ifaiah and;
Daniel point at one and the fame Thing, namely the
Loathfomenefs of the Wicked, at the Refurre£tfon.1
They’ll be Loathfomc in the Eyes of one another.:
Tne unclean Wretches/ were never fo lovely to each
other, as then they will be Loathfome : Dear Com- ]
panions in Sin will then be an abhorring, each one
to his Fellow : And the Wicked, great and honou¬
rable Men, fhall be no more regarded, by their
wieked Subje&s, their Servants, their Slaves; than
the Mire in the Streets.
U s e 1. Of Comfort to the People of God. The
Doctrine of the PLefurrefiion is a Spring of Confola-
tion and Joy unto you. Think on it, O Believers,
when ye are in the Houfe of Mourning, for the Lofs
of your godly Relations or Friends, That ye forrow
not, even as others which have no Hope ■, for ye will