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Dire&ions, See., StateIV. ‘
r^b ..... nr-rj. ^ :.J
there is no Work, nor Knowledge, nor Wifdom in
the Grave, whither thou goefl. Gal. vi. 10. As
we have therefore Opportunity, let us do Good unto,
all Men, efpecially unto them who are of the Houf-
hold of Faith. It' a Palfcnger, after he. is got on'
^hip-board, and the Ship is getting under Sail, re-,
member that he has omitted to difpatch a Piece of:
neceffary Bufinefs, when he was aihore^ it mnft needs
pc unpafy to him: Jiven foRefleftion, in a dying
Hour, upon neglefted Seafons, and loft Opportuni¬
ties, cannot fail to difquiet a Chriftian. Wherefore,
whatever is incumbent upon thee to 'do for God’s
Honour, and the Good of others; either as the Duty
of thv Stiitinn or hv fnerial Otttinvhiuitru our inffj