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4-18 ‘Direftions, howto State IV.
Houfe. Be frequently refle&ing upon your Con-
duft, and confidering what Courfe of Life you wilh
to be found in, when Death arrefts you ; and ad
accordingly. When you do the Duties of your
Station in Life, or are imployed in Ads of Wor-
fhip, think with your felves, that, it may be, this
is the laft Opportunity ; and therefore aft as if you
was never to do more of that Kind. When you
ly down at Night, compole your Spirits, as if you
was not to awake, till the Heavens be no more.
And when you awake in the Morning, confider that
new Day as your laft; and live accordingly. Sure¬
ly that Night cometh, of which you’ll never fee the
Morning ; or that Morning, of which you’ll never
fee the Night. But which of your Mornings or
Nights will be fuch, you know not.
Thirdly, Imploy your felves much in weaning
your Hearts from the World. The Man, who is
making ready to go abroad, bufies himfelf in taking
leave of his Friends. Let the Mantle of earthly En¬
joyments hang loofe about you ,• that it may be ea-
(ily dropt, when Death comes to carry you away
into another World. Moderate your Affedions to¬
wards your lawful Comforts of Life : And let not
your Hearts be too much taken with them. The
Traveller ads unwifely, who fuffers himfelf to be fo
allured, with the Conveniencies of the Inn, where
he lodgeth; as to make his neceffary Departure
from it grievous. Feed with Fear, and walk thro’
the World, as Pilgrims and Strangers. Likeas,
when the Corn is forfaking the Ground, ’tis ready
for the Sickle; when the Fruit is ripe, it falls oft'
the Tree eafily: So, when a Chriftian’s Heart is
truly •weaned from the World, he is prepar’d for
Death; and it will be the more eafy to him. A