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^'i^Confderatiom to lung SaintsSt. IVJ
ftiould be much in Love with Life, but fuch whofc;
Sicknefs is their Health, and who glory in their
Shame? (2.) The loathfom Sores of others arc:
always before your Eyes, go where you will The .
Follies and Wickednefs of Men arc every where
confpicuous, and make but an unpleafant Scene.
This lintul World is but an unfightly Company, a
difagreeablc Croud, in which the mod loathfom are
the moft numerous. (3.) Are not your own Sores
oft-times breaking out again, after healing ? Fre¬
quent Relapfes may well caufe us remit of our
Fondnefs for this Life. To be ever ftruggling, and
anon falling into the Mire again, makes weary
Work. Do ye never wijh for cold Death, there¬
by effedually to cool the Heat of thefe Lulls, which
fo often take Fire again ; even after a Flood of god¬
ly Sorrow has gone over them ? (4.) Do not ye
lometimes infeci others, and others infeft you?
There’s no Society in the World, in which every
Member of it doth not fometimes lay a Stumbling- ^
block before the reft. The beft. carry about with
them the binder of a corrupt Nature, which they
cannot be rid of while they live, and which is li¬
able to be kindled at all ‘times, and in all Places:
Yea, they are apt to enflame others, and become
the Occafions of finning. Certainly thefe Things
are apt to imbitter this Life to the Saints.
Secondly, Confider the Mifery and troubles that
attend it. Reft is definable, but it is not to be
found on this Side of the Grave. WorldlyTroubles ;
attend all Men in this Life. This World is a Sea
of Trouble, where one Wave rolls upon another. ;
They, who fancy themfelves beyond the Reach of
Trouble, are miftaken: No State, no Stage of
Life, is exempted from it. The crown’d Head is