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Cafes of Saints, Sec. State IV.
they have no Ground of Complaint, who get the
Rejidue ef their Tears in Immanuel’s Land. Surely
thou fhalt Jive as long, as thou haft work cut out
for thee, by the great Mafter, to be done for him
in this World: And when that’s at an End, ’tis
high Time to be gone.
Case 'VIII. lam afraid of fudden Death. Ans w.
Thou may’ll indeed die fo. Good 2?/* died fudden-
ly, i Sam. iv. 18. Yet Death found him watching,
Ver. 13. IVatcb therefore for ye know not what
Hour the Lord doth come. Mat. xxiv. 42. But be
not afraid, it is an unexpreflible Comfort, that
Death, come when it will, can never catch thee out
of Chrift; and therefore can never feize thee, as a
Jaylor, to hurry thee into the Prifon of Hell.
Sudden Death may haften and facilitate thy Paflage
to Heaven, but can do thee no Prejudice.
Case IX. 1 am afraid it he ray Lot to die
wanting the Exercife of Reafon. A n s w. I make
no Queftion but a Child of God, a true Chriftian,
may die in this Cafe. But what Harm ? There is
no Hazard in it, as to his eternal State: A Difeafe,
at Death, may diveft him of his Reafon, but not of
his Religion. When a Man, going a long Voyage,
has put his Affairs in order, and put all his Goods
aboard ; he himfelf may be carried aboard the Ship,
fleeping: All is fafe with him, although he knows
not where he is, till he awake in the Ship. Even
fo the godly Man, who dies in this Cafe, may die
uncomfortably, but not unfafely.
Case Lajl. J am naturally timorous, and the
•very ^thoughts of Death are terrible to me. Answ.
The lefs you think on Death, the Thoughts of it
will be the more frightful : But make it familiar
to you by frequent Meditations upon it, and you