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’’Head II. in their Wickednefs. 395
there, who can give no Scripture-ground for their
ifIopey who yet have no Bands in their Death!
^'Many are driven to Darknefs Beeping ; they go
: off like Lambs, who would roar like Lions, did they
..but know, what Place they are going to : Tho' the
Xhariot, in which they are, drive furioufly to the
"Depths of Hell; yet they fear not, becaufe they are
ifaft afleep.
Laftly, The irregenerate Man is taken away ir-
yrefifttbly. He muft go, tho* fore againft his iVtll.
Ipeath will take no Refufal, nor admit of any De-
iay; tho’ the Man has not liv’d half his Days,
luccording to his own Computation. If he will not
wow, it will break him. If he will not come forth,
ft will pull the Houfe down about his Ears; for
flthere he muff not Bay. Altho* the Phyfician help,
iFriends groan, the Wife and the Children cry, and
I the Man himfelf ufe his outmoft Efforts to re¬
tain the Spirit, his Soul is required of him ; yield
he muft, and go, where he lhall never more fee
Secondly, Let us confider, whence they are driven,
and whither. When the Wicked die, (i.) They
11 are driven out of this World, where they finned;
J into the other World, where they muft be judged,
uand receive their particular Sentences, Heb. ix. 27.
'Mt is appointed unto Men once to die, but after this
kthe Judgment. They lhall no more return to their
beloved Earth. Tho’ their Hearts are wedded to.
their earthly Enjoyments, they muft leave them;
they can carry nothing hence. Hoy .jorrowrul
muft their Departure^be, when they ftave nothing,-
r in View, fo good as that which they, leave behind
:them! (2.) They ajj: tu jven out, of the Society o£
! the Saints on Earth, into the Society of the Damned
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