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Head II. as united to Cbrifl.
Secondly, Walk as becomes thefc that are united
to Chrift. Evidence your Union with him by
Walking as be alfo walked, i John . ii. 6. If ye be
brought from under the Power of Darknefs, let
your Light Jbme before Men. Shine as Lights in
the World, holding forth the Word of Life, as the
Lanthorn holds the Candle, which being in it,
ihines through it, Philip, ii. 15, 16. Now that ye
profefs Chrift to be in you, let his Image ftiinc
forth in your Converfation, and remember the Bu-
finefs ol your Lives is to prove by pra&ical Argu¬
ments what ye profefs.
x. You know the Charafter of a Wife, She that
is married, caretb how Jhe may pleafe her Husband.
Go you and do likewife ; Walk worthy of the Lord
unto all pieafing. Col. i. 10. This is the great Bu-
finefs of Life: You muft pleafe him, tho5 it ihould
difpleafe all the World. What he hates muft be hate¬
ful to you, becaufe he hates it. Whatever Lufts come
in fuit of your Hearts, deny them, feeing the Grace
of God has appeared, teaching fo to do, and you are
joined to the Lord. Let him be a Covering to your
Eyes; for you have not your Choice to make ; ’tis
made already ; and you muft not difhonour your
Head. A Man takes care of his Feet, for that, if
he catch Cold there, it flies up to his Head. Shall
I take the Members of Chrift, and make them the
Members of an Harlot? God forbid, fays the
Apoftle, 1 Cor. vi. 15. Wilt thou take that Heart
of thine, which is Chrift’s Dwelling-place, and
lodge his Enemies there ; Wilt thou take that Bo¬
dy, which is his Temple, and defile it, by ufing
the Members thereof, as Inftruments of Sin ?
2. Be careful to bring forth Fruit, and much
Fruit. The Branch well laden with Fruit, is the