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Head II. The Duty of, &c. 361
modem Hiftories can fupply the Defeft of ancient
Uiftories, in this Point. But fure I am, many have
been the worfe of Riches: Thoufands have been
hug’d to Death, in the Embraces of a fmiling
World ; and many good Men have got Wounds
from outward Prosperity, that behoved to be cured
by the Crofs. I remember to have read of oneT
who having an Impofthume in his Breaft, had itT
vain ufed the Help of Phyficians: But being wound-
"^'ed with a Sword, the Impofthume broke ; and his
I Life was faved by that Accident, which threatned
immediate Death. Often have fpiritual Impoft-
humes gathered in the Breafts of God’s People, in
Time ot outward Profperity, and been thus broken
and difeuft by the Crofs. ’Tis kindly for Believers
to be healed by Stripes : Altho’ they are ufually fo
weak as to cry out for fear, at the Sight of the
Pruuing-hook, as if it were the defraying Ax; and
to think the Lord is coming to kill them, when he
is indeed coming to cure them.
I fhall now conclude, addrefling myfelfih a few
Words, firft to Saints, and next to Sinners.
I. To you that are Saints, I fay,
Firft, Strive to obtain and keep up aftual Com¬
munion and Fellowfhip with Jefus Chrift; that is.
To be ftill deriving frefh Supplies of Grace, from
the Fountain thereof in him, by Faith ; And mak¬
ing fuitable Returns of them, in-the Exercife of
Grace, and holy Obedience. Beware of Eftrange-
ment betwixt Chrift and your Souls. If it has got
in already (which feems to be the Cafe of many this
Day) endeavour to get it removed. There are Mul¬
titudes in the World that flight Chrift, tho’ ye
ftiould not flight him: Many have turned their
.Backs on him, that fometimes looked fair for