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342 Fruitfulnefs, State III.
worthy of the leaf of all the Mercies Jhewed unto
themy Gen. xxxii. 10. And that they are nothing* I
2 Cor. xii. 2.
A Jixth Benefit is Fruitfulnefs. The Branch in¬
grafted into Chrift is not barren, but brings forth .
Fruit, John xv. 5. He that abideth in me, and I
in him, the fame bringeth forth much Fruit. For
that very End arc Souls married to Chrift, that they
may bring forth Fruit unto God, Rom. vii. 4.
They may be Branches in Chrift, by Profejfion, but
not by real Implantation, that are barren Branches.
Whofoever are united to Chrift, bring forth the |
Fruit of Gofpel Obedience, and true Holinefs. Faith
is always followed with good IVorks. The Believer
is not only corne out of the Grave of^his natural
State ; but he has put off his Grave-clothes, name¬
ly reigning Lufts, tn the which he walked fome-
time like a Ghoft; being dead while he lived in
them, Col. iii. 7, 8. For Chrift has faid of him as
of Lazarus, Loofe him, and let him go. And now
that he has pat on Chrijl -, he perfonates him (Co
to fpeak) as a Beggar, in borrowed Robes, repre-
fents a King on the Stage, walking as he alfo walk¬
ed. Now the Fruit of the Spirit in him, is in all
Goodnefs, Eph. v. 9. The Fruits of Holinefs will
be found in the Hearts, Lips, and Lives of thofe
who are united to Chrift. The hidden Man of the
Heart, is not only a Temple built for God, and
eonfecrated to him ,• but ufed and employed for
him ; where Love, Fear, Truft, and all the other
Parts of unfeen Religion are exercifed, Phil. iii. 3.
For we are the Ctrcimcijion, which worjhip God
in the Spirit. The Heart is no more the Devil’s
common, where thoughts go free; for there even
vam Thoughts are bated, Pfal. cxix. 113. But’tis