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^6 San&ification. State IIL
as the Members: Even as the Wheels, in Ezekiel's,
Vifion, were not contiguous to the lining Creatures,
yet were united to them, by an invifible Bond of ?
one Spirit in both ; fo that, When the living Crea¬
tures went, the Wheels went by them, and when the
living Creatures were lift up from the Earth, the
Wheels were lift up, Ezek. i. 19. For, fays the Pro¬
phet, the Spirit of the living Creature was in the
Wheels, ver. 20.
Hence wc may fee the Difference, betwixt true
SanBification, and that Shadow of it, which is to
be found amongft fome ftrict Profeflbrs of Chrifti-
anity, who yet are not true Chriftians, are not re¬
generate by the Spirit of Chrift, and is of the fame
Kind with what has appeared in many fober Hea¬
thens. True Sanflification is the Refult of the Soul’s
Union, with the holy Jefus, the firft and immediate
Receptacle of the fanftifying Spirit • Out of whofc
Fulnefs, his Members do, by Virtue of their Union
with him, receive fanftifying Influences. The other
is the mere Produd of the Man’s own Spirit, which,
whatever it has, or feems to have of the Matter of
true Holinefs, yet does not arife from the fuperna-
tural Principles, nor to the high shims and Ends
thereof: For, as it comes from Self fo it runs out
into the dead Sea ot Self asain ; and lies as wide
of true Holinefs, as Nature doth of Grace. They
who have this baftard Holinefs, are like common
Boat-men, who ferve themfelves with their own
Oars : Whereas the Ship bound for Immanuel's
Land, fails by the Blowings of the Divine Spirit.
How is it poflible, there ihould be true Sanctifica¬
tion without Chrtjl ? Can there be true Sanctifica¬
tion, without partaking of the Spirit of Holinefs ?
Can we partake of that Spirit, but by Jefus Chrift,