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Head II. andTeace of Confcience. 329
Righteoufnefs; which not obfcurdy intimates, that
he is more than a Man, who (hews or declareth
this Righteoufnefs. Compare Amos iv. 13. He that
formeth the Mountains, and createth the IVind, and
declareth unto Man what is his T'houghtj. There
feems to be in it a fweet Albfion to the firft Decla¬
ration of this Righteoufnefs unto Man, or as the
Word is, unto Adam, after the Fall, while he lay
under Terror from Apprehenfions or the Wrath of
God: Which Declaration was made by the Mef-
fenger, the Interpreter, namely, the eternal Word
the Son of God, called. The Voice of the Lord God,
Gen. iii. 8. and by him appearing, probably, in
human Shape. Now, while He, by his Spirit, is
the Preacher of Righteoufnefs to the Man, ’tis flip-
pofed the Man lays hold on the offered Righteouf¬
nefs ; whereupon, the Ranfom is applied to him, and
he is delivered from going down to the Pit: For God
hath a Ranfom for him. This is intimate to him :
God faith, Deliver him, Ver. 24. Hereupon his
Confcience, being purged by the Blood of Atone¬
ment, is pacified, and fweetly quieted; He Jhallpray
unto God—and fee his Face with Joy, which before
he beheld with Horror, Ver. 26 that is, in Ncw-
Teftament Language, having an High-prieft over
the Houfe of God, he fhall draw near with a true
Heart, in full Affurance of Faith, having his Heart
fprinkled from an evil Confcience, Heb. x 21, 22.
But then, what becomes of the Body, the weak and
weary Flcfh ? Why, his Flejh fhall be frefher than
a Child’s, he fhall return to the Days of his Touth,
Ver. 25. Yea, All his Bones (which were ebaftned
with ftrong Pain, Ver. 19.) (hall fay, Lord, who is
like unto thee ? Pfal. xxxv. 10.