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goo How the Branches are cut State 111*1
Hence he is chearfuliy admitted by the godly into)
their Society, as a praying Perfon ; and can confects
with them about religious Matters, yea and abouct
Soul-Exercife, which fomc are not acquainted with.'
And their good Opinion of him, confirms his good 1
Opinion of himfelf. ThisStcp in Religion is fatal I
to many, who never get beyond it. But here the:
Lord reacheth the Eled-Branch a further Stroke. :
Confcience flies in the Man’s Face, for forae wrong
Steps in his Converfation; the Negled of fomeDu-
ty, 6t Commiflton of fbmc Sin, which is a Blot in
his ConverfatiOri : And then the flaming Sword of
the Law appears feain over his Head; and the
Curfe rings in his Ears, for that he ccntinueth not *
in all ^things written in the Law, to do them,
Gal.iii. 10.
Fourthly, On this Account he is obliged to leek
another Salve for his Sore. He goes to'God, con-
fefleth his Sin, fecks the Pardon of it, promifing
watch againft it for the Time to cbme; and fo finds
Eafe, and thinks he may very well take it, feeing
the Scripture faith, If we confefs. our Sins, he Is
faithful and juft to forgive us our Sins, i John i. 5?.
not confidering that he grafps at a Privilege, Which
is theirs only who are grafted into Chrift, and un¬
der the Covenant of Grace; and which the Branches
yet growing on the old Stock cannot plead. And
here fometimes there are formal and exprefs Vows,
made againft fuch and inch Sins, and binding to
fuch and fuch Duties. Thus many go on all their
Days; knowing no other Religion, but to do Du¬
ties, and to confefs, and pray for Pardon of that
wherein they fail; Promifing themfelves eternal Hap-
pinefs, though they are utter Strangers to Chrift.
Here, many Eled ones have been Caft down wound-