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296 The Elefl taken out, &c. State III.
are grafted into Chrifi; and confcquently none but
they, arc cut off from the killing Stock. For them
alone he interceeds, <!fhat they may be one in hint
and his Father, John xvii. 9, 23. Faith the Bond
of this Union, is given to none elfe : It is the
Faith of God's Fie ft. Tit. i. i. The Lord pafleth
by many Branches, growing on the natural Stock ;
and cuts off only here one, and there one, and
grafts them into the true Vine, according as free
Love hath determined;- Oft does he pitch -upon
the mod unlikely Branch, leaving the Top-Boughs;
pafTmg by the Mighty, and the Noble, and calling
the iVeak, bafe and defpifed, 1 Cor. i. 16, 27. Yea,
he often leaves >the fair and Imooth, and' takes the
rugged and knotty, • and fitch were fome of you, but
ye Are wafhed, &c. 1 Cor. vi. n. If we enquire
why foi WelfincLno other Rcafon but becaufe
tbeyt were Cbofen. in him, Eph i. 4. Predefiinated
to the .Adoption of Children by Jefus Chrifi, â– Var. f:
Thus are,they gathered together in Clirxft; while
the.rcfbarc left growing on their naturari Stock, ta
be afterwaids bound upr in Bunches for.the Fire.
Wherefbrc; to whomfoever. the -Oafpcl may come
in vamp'sW^l ihaveaibleft-cEffeft on -God’s Eleft,
Adis xiii .Asjiiuttym.'icere ordained to eternal
Life} believed. Wherqfhe Lord djas-much People,
the. Gofpfef will have :ntdchoSucce(s, fooner or later.
Such^as/arcs to be laved, win be added sto fhe my-
{licafBody'iof.Gbrift. >1 w V.ri • ' r *