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394- Chrifi the fupermt. Stock. State III.
experimental Religion ? I fear, if God do not in
Mercy, timeoufly undermine the Religion of many
of us, and let us fee we have none at all; our Root
will be found Rottennefs, and our Blolfom go up
as Duft, in a dying Hour. Therefore let us look to
our State, that we be not found Fools in out latter
II. Let us now view the fupernatural Stock, in
which the Branches cut off from the natural Stock,
are ingrafted. Jefus Chrift is fometimes called ctbe
Branch, Zecb. iii. 8. So he is, in Retpcft of his
human Nature; being a Branch, and the Top^
branch of the Houfe of David. Sometimes he
is called a Root, Ifa. xi. i o. we have both toge¬
ther, Rev. xxii. 16. I am the Root, and the Off-,
fpring of David. David’s Root as God, and his
Off fpring as Man. The Text tells us. That he is
the Vine, i. e. he as Mediator, is the Vine-Stock,
whereof Believers arc the Branches. As the Sap
comes from the Earth into the Root and Stock, and
from thence is diffufed into the Branches; fo by
Chrift as Mediator, Divine Life is conveyed from
the Fountain, unto thefe who are united to him by
Faith, Jchn vi. 57. Js the living Father bath
fent me, and I live by the Father: So be that eateth
me, even he Jhall live by me. Now Chrift is Me¬
diator, not as God only, as fome have afferted ; nor
yet as Man only,as the Bapifts generally hold: But
he is Mediator as God-Man, Afts xx. 28.—The
Church of God which he hath purchafed with his
Blood. Heb. ix. 14.—Chrifty who through the eter¬
nal Spirit, offered bimfelf without Spot to God. The
Divine and human Natures have their diftina
Actings, yet a joint Operation, in his difcharging
the Office of Mediator. This is illuftrated by the