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282 A general View^ Sec. State III. ,
us ; nor evil things to come on us ; nor the Height
of worldly Felicity, nor Depth of worldly Mifery ,• ■
nor any other Creature, good or ill, Jball be able to ■
feparate us from the Love of God, which is in Chrijt :
Jefus our Lord. As Death feparated Chrift’s Soul
from his Body, but Could uot fep^rate either his Soul ;
or Body from his Divine Nature: So though the
Saints fhould be feparate from their neareft Relations
in the World, and from all their earthly Enjoyments;
yea, though their Souls Ihould be feparate from their
Bodies, and their Bodies feparate in a thoufand
Pieces, their Bones fcattered, as when one cutteth
or cleaveth Wood : Jet Soul and Body, and every
Piece of the Body, the fmallefi^Duft of it /hall re¬
main united to the Lord Chrift; for ?ve|i in Death,
they fleep in Jefus, 1 Thef. iv. 14. And he keep-
eth all their Bones, Pfal.xxxiv. 20, Union with
Chrift, is the Grace wherein we fland, firm and
liable, as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed.
Lafily, JIis a Myfierious Union. The Gofpel is
a Doctrine of Myfteries. It difeovers to us the
fubftantial Union, of the Three Perfons in one God¬
head, 1 John v. 7. Thefe SCbree are one : The Hy-
poftatical Union, of the Divine and Human Na¬
tures, in the Pcrfon of the Lord Jefus Chrift, 1 Tim,
iii. 16. God was manifeft in the Flejh: And the
Myftical Union, betwixt Chrift and Believers ; This
is a great Myfiery alfo, Eph. v. 32. O what My¬
fteries are here ! The Head in Heaven, the Mem-*
bers on Earth, yet really united ! Chrift in the Be¬
liever, living in him, walking in him : And the
Believer dwelling in God, putting on the Lord Jefus,
eating his Flejh, and drinking his Blood! This
makes the Saints a Myftery to the World ; yea, a
Myftery to themfelves.