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Head II. A general View, Sec. 579
that degenerate Vine : But the Eledt are all of them,
fooner or later, broken 'from their natural Stock,
and ingrafted into Chriit the true Vine.
Dqct. cfbey who are in the State of Grace, are in¬
grafted in, and unite to, the Lord Jejus Cbrift. They
are taken out of their natural Stock, cut off from
it; and are now ingrafted into Chrift, as the new
Stock. In handling of this, I (hall fpcak to the Myftical
Union, ( j .) More generally. (2.) More particularly.
yf general View of the Myfiical Union.
I. In the general, for underftanding the Union be¬
twixt the Lord Jefus Chrift, and his pled, who be¬
lieve in him, and on him.
1. Tis a fptritual Union. Man and Wife, by
their Marriage-union, become one Flefh; Chrift and
true Believers by this Union, become one Spirit,
2 Cor. vi. 17. As one Soul or Spirit a&uates both
the Head, and the Members, in the natural Body :
So the one Spirit of God dwells in Chrift and the
Chriftian; for, If any Man have not the Spirit of
Chrifl, he is none of his, Rom. viii. 9. Corporal
Union is made by Conrad; fo the Stones in a Build¬
ing are united : But this is an Union of another
Nature. Wefe it poflible we could eat the Flefh, and
drink the Blood of Chrift, in a corporal and carnal
Manner; it would proft nothing, Johnvi. <53. 'Twas
not Mary’s bearing him in her Womb; but her be¬
lieving on him, that made her a Saint, Luke xi. 27,
28. A certain Woman-—faid unto him, Bleffed is
the Womb that bare thee, and the Paps which thou
baft fucked. But he faid. Tea, rather blejjed are
they that hear the Word of God, and keep it.
2. 'Tis a real Union. Such is our Wcaknefs in
pur prefent State, fo much arc we immerfed in Sin,
S 4 that