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276 Advices, &c. State III.
up to look after a Saviour. Fix your Thoughts up¬
on him offered to thee in the Gofpelr as fully fuit-
ed to thy Cafe ; having, by his Obedience to the
Ueath, perfectly fatisfied the Juftice of God, and
brought in everlajting Rigbteoufnefs. This may
prove the Seed of Humiliation, Defire, Hope, and
Faith; and put thee on, to ft retch out the withered
Hand unto him, at his own Command.
Let thefe Things fink deeply into your Hearts,
and improve them diligently. Remember, what¬
ever ye be, ye must be born again ■, elfe it had
been better for you, ye had never been born.
Wherefore, if any of you, fhall live and die, in an
unregenerate State, ye will be inexcufable, having
been fairly warn’d of your Hazard.