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Head I. their Regenerdtion/efolv’d.i'ij
and makes a holy Love-ftcknefs in the Soul, arifing
either from Ifant of Enjoyment, as in that Cafe of
the Spoufe, Cant. v. 8. / charge you, O Daughters
of Jerufalem, if ye find my Beloved, that ye tell
him, that I am fick of Love; or dfc from the F«7-
nefs of it, as in that Cafe, Cant. ii. y. St if me with
Flagons, comfort me v:\th Apples ; for I am Jick of
Love. Thefe Glowings of Affe&ions are ufually
wrought in young Converts, who are ordinarily
made tb fing in the Days bf their Toutb, Hof. ii. 14.
While the Fire-edge is upon the young Convert,
he looks upon others reputed to be godly, and not
finding them in luch a Temper and Difpofition as
himfelr, he is ready to c'enfurc them ; and to think
there’s far lefs Religion in' the World, than indeed
there is. But when his owh Cup comes tb fettle
below the Brim, and he finds that in himfelf. Which
made him queftion the State of others, he i$ more
humbled, and feels more and more the NecejtTity of
daily Recourfe, to the Blood of Chrift for Pardon,
and to the Spirit of Chrifl; for Sanctification ,• and
thus grows downwards in Humiliation, Self-loath¬
ing, and Self-denial. (2.) There’s a rational Loic to
Ghrift,‘ which, without thefc fehfible' Emotions felt
in the former Cafe, evidences its felf by a dutiful
Regard to the Divine Authority and Command.
When one bears fuch a Love to Ghrift ; tho’ the
vehement Stirrings of Affeftion be wanting, yet lie
is truly tender of offending a gracious God; en¬
deavours to walk before him Unto all pie a fing ; and
is grieved at the Heart, for what is difpleaftng unto
him. 1 John v. 3. For this is the Love of God, that
rwe keep bis Commandments. 'Now although that-
fenfible Love doth not always continue with you t
Yet ye have no Reafon to account it a hypocritical
R Fit,