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Head I. Regeneration 119
nets of the Affe&ions, Goodnefs of the whole Man.
One gets not only a new Head, to know Religion,
or a new Tongue to talk of it; but a new Heart
to love and embrace it, in the whole of his Conver-
fation. When the Lord opens the Since of Grace
on the Soul’s New-Birth-Day, the Waters run
through die whole Man, to purify and make him
fruitful. In thde natural Changes fpoken of before,
there are, as it were, Pieces of new Cloth put into
an old Garment; a new Life fewedtoan old Heart:
Eur the gracious Change is a thorough Change,
a Change both of Heart and Life.
5, Yet ’tis but an imperfett Change. Tho’ every
Part of the Man is renewed, there’s no Part of him
perfectly renewed. As an Infant has all the 'Parts
of a Man, but none of them are come to their per¬
fect Growth 1 fo Regeneration brings a Perfection
of Parts, to be brought forward in the gradual Ad¬
vances of SanCtification, 1 Pet. ii. 2. As new born
Babes defire the Jincere Milk, of the IVord, that ye
may grow thereby. A1 tho’in Regeneration, there’s
a heavenly Light let into the Mind; yet there is
{till fome Darknefs there : Tho’ the Will is renewed,
’tis not perfectly renewed; there’s ftill fome of the
old Inclination to Sin remaining : And thus it will
be, till that which is in Part be done away, and
the Light of Glory come. Adam was created at his
full Stature ; but they that are born, muft have
their Time to grow up : So thefe that are born again,
do come forth into the new World of Grace, but
imperfeCUy Holy; tho’ Adam being created Up¬
right, was at the fame Time pcrfeCdy Righteous,
without the leaft Mixture of finful Imperfection.
Laftly, Neverthelefs, ’cis a lajiing Change, vfhich
never goes oft The Seed is incorruptible, faith the