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Head I. Regeneration. 215
unfan&itied Stri&nefs in Religion. The Pharifees
had To much of it, that they look’d on Chrift as
little better than a mecr Libertine. A Man whofe
Confcience hath been awakened, and who lives un¬
der the felt Influence of the Covenant of Works,
what will he not do, that’s within the Compafs of
natural Abilities ? It was a Truth, tho’ it came out
of a hellilh Mouth, That Skin for Skin, all that a
Man 'bath, will be give for bis Life, Job ii. 4.
(<5.) One may have lharp Soul-Exercifes and Pangst
and yet die in the Birrh. Many have been in Pain,
that have but as it were brought forth Wind. There
may be fore Pangs and Throws of Confcience, which
turn to nothing at lalL Pharaoh and Simon Magus
had fuch Convictions, as made them defire the
Prayers of others for them. Judas repented bimfelf;
and under Terrors of Ccnfcience, gave back his
ill-gotten Pieces of Silver. All is not Gold that
glifters. Trees may bloffom fairly in the Spring,
on which no Fruit is to be found in the Harvcft c
And fome have fharp Soul-Exercifes, which are no¬
thing but Foretaftes of Hell.
The New-birth, howfoever in Appearance hope¬
fully begun, may be marr’d two Ways. Firft,
Some like Ztarah, Gen. xxxviii. 28, 29. are brought
to the Birth, but go back again. They’ve fharp
ConviBions for a while : But, thefe go off, aod they
turn as carelefs about their Salvation, as profane, as
ever ; and ufually worfe than ever ; their lajl State
is worfe than their fir ft, Matth. xii. 4J. They get
awakening Grace, but not converting Grace; and
that goes off by Degrees, as the Light of the de¬
clining Day, till it iffue in Midnight Darknefs.
Secondly, Some like JJhtnael, come forth too foon;
they are born before the Time of the Promife, Gen.
O 4 xvi.