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l86 ‘Duty of thofe who are Jptate JI.
all poflible Help for their Deliverence ? What they
are, ye fometimes ‘ivere. This may draw Pity from
you, and engage you to ufe all Means lor their Re¬
covery. See Tit. iii. i, 2, 3.
thirdlyy Admire that matchlefs Love, which
brought you out of the State of Wrath. Chrift s
Love was aftive Love, he loved thy Soul from the
Pit of Corruption. ’Twas no eafy Work to pur-
chafe the Life of the condemned Sinner ; but he
gave his Life fpr thy Life. He gave Iris previous
Blood to quench that Flame of Wrath, which o-
therwife would have burnt thee up. Men get the
bell View of the Stars, from the Bottom of a de^p
Bit: From this Pit of Mifery into which thou \v^.lt
call by the firfl Adam^ thou may’ll get the bell
View of the Sun of Kigbteoufncjs, in all its Di-
menlions. He is the fecond Adam, who took thee
out of the horrible Pit, and out of the miry Clay.
How broad were the Skirts of that Love, which co¬
vered fuch a Multitude of Sins ! Behold the Length
of ifr reaching from Everlafing to Everlafting,
Pfal. ciii. 17. The Depth of it, going fo low as to
deliver thee from the lowejl HeU, Pfal. Ixxxvri. 13.
The Height of it, in railing th?e up to fit in hea¬
venly Places, Eph. ii. 6.
Fourthly, Be humble, carry low Sails, walk foft-
}y all your Tears. Be not proud of your Gifts,
Graces, Privileges, or Attainments : But remem¬
ber ye were Children of Wrath even as others. The
Peacock walks flow!y, hangs down his ftarry Fea¬
thers, while he looks to his black Feet. Look ye
to the Hole of the Pit, whence ye are digged, and
walk humbly as it becomes tree Grace’s Debtors.
Laftly, Be wholly for your Lord. Every Wife is
obliged to be dutiful to her Husband j but double