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184 Duty of tbofe who are State IF.
ever. If ye would be fafe, come under his Shadow:
One Drop of that Wrath cannot fall there, for he
delivereth us from the Wrath to come, 1 ThdT. i. 10.
Accept of him in his Covenant, wherein he offereth
himfelf to. thee : And fo thou fliak, as the captive
Woman, redeem thy Life, by marrying the Con¬
queror. His Blood will quench that Fire of Wrath,
which burns againft thee : In the white Raiment of
his,Righteonfnefs, thou fhalt be fate; for no Storm
of Wrath can pierce it.
II. I fhall drop a few Words to the Saints.
Firfl:, Remember—that at that Stime, (namely^
when ye were in your natural State) ye •were •with¬
out Chrift,—having no Hope, and without God in
the World. Call to Mind that State, ye were in
formerly; and review the Mifery of it. There are
five Memorials, I may thence give in to the whole
Affembly of the Saints, who are no more, Children
«f Wrath; but Heirs of Ged, and joint Heirs with
Chriji, tho’ as yet in their Minority. (1.) Remem-,
bet, that in the Day, our Lord took you by the
Hand, ye were in rio better Condition than others.
O what mov’d him to take you, when he pail by
your Neighbours 1 He found you Children of
Wrath, even as others; but he did not leave you
fo. He came into the common Prifon, where ye
.lay in your Fetters, even as others; And from a-
mongft the Multitude of condemned Malefaftors,
he picked out you, commanded your Fetters to be
taken off, put a Pardon in your Hand, and brought
you into the glorious Liberty of the Children of God;
while he left in the Devil’s Fetters. (2.) Re¬
member, there was nothing is you to engage him to