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tSi Alarm to^ Sec. State IF.
the Sinner Prifoner, even when he is in his greateft
Rage againft Heaven. It can bring again the feve-
ral Parcels of Dull, out of the Grave; put them to¬
gether again, reunite the Soul and Body, lift then;
before the Tribunal, hurry them away to the Pit,
eyid hold them up with the one Hand, thro’ Eterni- I
ty, while they are lalhed with the other. He is in¬
finitely Juft, and thefore muft Puftifh ; it were ad- !
ing contrary, to his Nature to luffer the Sinner to e-
fcape Wrath. Hence the executing of this Wrath
is pleajing to hiin : For tho’ the Lord hath no De¬
light in the Death of a Sinner, as ’tis the Deftruffi-
on of his own Creature ; yet he delights in it, as’tis
the Executihn oijuftice. Upon the Wicked ho'Jhall
rain Snares, Fire and Brmftone, and an horrible
itempeft. Mark the Reafon, For the righteous Lord
kyetb Kighteoujhefs, Pfal, xi. <5, 7. I will caufie my
Fury to reftjtppjt them, and I will be comforted,
Ezek. v. 13. 1 alfio •will laugh at your Calamity, (
Prov. i. 26 Finally, He lives for ever, to purlue
the Qqarrel. Let' us therefore conclude. It is a fear¬
ful ithing-to fall into the Hands of the living God.
Be,awakened then, O yhung Sinner; be awaken¬
ed, O old' Sinner, who art, yet in the State thou
waft bornm. Your Security is none of God’s Al¬
lowance ; ’tis the Sleep of Death: Rife out of it
cre the Pit clpfe its Mouth on you. ’Lis true, you
may put on a Breaft-plate of.Iron, make your Brow
Brafs, arid yptir Heart as an Adamant: Who can
help it ? But God will break that Brazen Brow,
and make that adamantine Heart, at laft, to fly in-
to a Thoufand Pieces. Ye may,, if ye wall, labour
to put thefe Things out of your Heads, that ye may
yet ikep in a found Skin, tho' in a State of Wrath,
ft may run .away with the Arirows fticking in your