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Head II. confirmed and vindicated. 165
now, that thou art fuch a Criminal, thy Condem¬
nation is juft: For, befides the Sin of thy Nature,
thou haft done that againft Heaven, which if thou
hadft done againft Men, thy Life behoved to have
gone for it; and fhall not IVratb from Heaven o-
vertake thee? (i.) Thou art guilty of high Trea-
fon, and Rebellion againft the King of Heaven.
The Thought and Wifh ot thy Heart, which he
knows as well as the Language of thy Mouth, has
been. No God, Pfal. xiv. i. Thou haft rejeded his
Government, blown the Trumpet, and fet up the
Standard of Rebellion againft him; being one of
thefe that fay, IVe will not have this Man to reign
over us, Luke xix. 14. Thou haft ft riven againft,
and quenched his Spirit; pradically difowned his
Laws, proclaimed by his Meftengers ; ftopt thine
Ears at their Voice, and fent them away mourning
for thy Pride. Thou haft confpired with his grand
Enemy the Devil. Although thou art a fworn Ser¬
vant of the King of Glory, daily receiving of his
Favours, and living on his Bounty: Thou art
holding a Correfpondencc, and haft contraded a
Fricndfliip with his greateft Enemy, and art ading
for him againft thy Lord ; for the Luft of the Devil
you will do, John viii. 44. (2.) Thou art a Mur-
tbtrer before the Lord. Thou haft laid the Stum¬
bling-block of thine Iniquity, before the blind
World; and haft ruined the Souls of others, by thy
ftnful Courfe. And tho’ thou doft not fee now; the
Time may come, when thou flialt fee, the Blood of
thy Relations, Neighbours, Acquaintances, and o-
thers upon thy Head, Mattb. xviii. 7. IVo unto the
World becaufe of Offences Wo to that Man by
whom tbe Offence cometh. Yea, thou art a Self-
murtberer before God, Prov. viii. 36. He that fin¬
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