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rfead II. a . State of Wrath. *57
vis Sword: He,bath bait bis Bow and made it ready;
he bath alfo prepared^ for him tbe Infiruments of
Deatb. Doth he ly down to deep > There’s not a
xPromife, he knows of,or can know, to fecure him
:r:hat he fhall not be in Hell ere he awake. Juhice is
Qpurfuing, and cries for Vengeance on the Sinner t
irTheLaw calls the Fire-Balls of itsCurfos continually
[upon him : Wafted and long tir’d Patience is that
which keeps in his Life, He walks amtdft Enemies,
nrmed againft him: His Name may be Mayr!T-
Miffahib, i. e. terror round about, Jer. xx. 3, Angels,
alDevils, Men, Bealls, Stones, HeaVen, and Earth,
tfare in Readinefs, on a Word of Ceipmand rrom the
>JLord, to ruin him.
Thus the natural Man libes, but he mull die too ;
.'land Deatb is a dreadful Melfenger to him. It comes
qupon him arm’d with Wrath, and puts three fad
^Charges in his Hand. (1.) Death chargeth him ro
wbid an eternal Farewell to all Things in this World;
cto leave it, and make away to another World: Ah!
l*What a dreadful Charge mull this be to a Child of
'Wrath! He can have no Comfort from Heaven ;
<for God is his Enemy : And as for the Things of
Jthe World, and the Enjoyment of his Lufts, which
uwere the only Springs of his Comfort: thefe are in a
'Moment dried up to him for ever. He is not ready
I for another World: He was not thinking of remov¬
ing fo foon: Or if he was; yet he has no Portion
fecured to him in the other World, but that which
the was born to, and was encreafing all his Daysy
/namely, a tfreafure of Wrath. But go he mull ->
this Clay-god, the World, mull be parted with, and
i what has he more ? There was never a glimmering:
; of Light, or Favour from Heaven, to his Soul :;
■ Aad now the Wrath that did hang in the Threat-j