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15b 'Man's natural State State 1L
of gr^at' and,honourable Families ; Be wha'(t ye will,
ye are, bv Nature. H eirs of Hell, Children of Wrath.
(X) No :Prnf 'cf;:r:tt v 'X Attainments ina -Profeirtott
6f Religion, ao bt' ^cart exempt a Man from -this
State of Wrath. Paul was one of the ftMitcfi Sett
ctfatiPyedifo ReiigtoA, ABsyixxi. 5. yet wdhfid’ 6f
even ks others, till he was converted. The
cl6fs: Hypocrite, *2nti the1 Profane, are alike as to
th‘ei f: 'State \' however different their Conner [ations
be : And fhey wiilbe-’alike in theMitai End,, Pfat;
exxv.' \.':As[br [uchns tWii afide imto tlkir crooked
Ways, the' LbrH jfhhWdifad tbetfi ivtth the
Workkri <&f$Mty[f2$ Td&ig-OnesftQt are yet but
letting:but tiito thd ;Wbrld-,.-have hofl that to do, to
make themfel^s Children of Wrath,- by . following
the'gtabdefs Mhitiiffide: * Tfey ate GhiidrmlepWvatb
hy 'NatuA / lb ^fheady: They- 'Were bbrn
thrift, yijt/fy,.. Meri' ^e-'iSO'^-’by Gtaco,
tHey';\kere ‘fyeit l>y Nature. And this
may'be a^fan‘'Msd^tiBii::t6 them, itHatJ-haveubeeh
sitEap^frdiii iWei/l$uh[ 4ndf have; hath no Ghanges.
NcW^t^&'Thir^.b^'d^remife^, -I-fliall, in the
.L^wmrt Pjjs^ tm^Sbifopf Wra^hish' Next,'
confirm:the l)o£tfipe'•’ and, then apply’'it.•
' I. I'am to (hew ttbat this State of IVrdth is. But
wiio' can dully delrribe thAWrath of an angry •God?-
None‘Can do it.. Yetfomnch of it may , be dif-
cpyered, as may; fervfe !b5 •eontince A^en -of- the ab-
folute Ny^ffityoffeirig^ JefusChrift, out of that
State of Wrath. Anger in Men^ is: a P^5a?/and
Commotion of the Spirit, for an' Injury received
with a Defire to -r^w^c-Tame. .Wtiini it comes;