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hHead I. Why 'tis to bs^SiQ. 139
it, in your Mortification, Gal. v. 24. And they that
i Cbrift’s, ha-ve crucified the Flejh. ’Tis the Root
1 of Bitternefs, that muft be ftruck at; which the Ax
of Mortification muft be laid to; elfe we labour in
Vain. In vain do Men go about to purge the
Streams^ while they are at no Pains about the mud¬
dy Fountain : ’iis vain Religion to attempt to
make the Liie truly good, while the Corruption of
Nature retains its ancient Vigour, and the Power
of it is not broken. Lafily, Ye are to eye it in
your daily Ifalk. He that would walk aright, muft
have one Eye upward to Jefus Chrift; and another
inward to the Corruption o; his own Nature. ^Tis
not enough that we look ab'out us, we muft alfo look
within us. There the Wall is weakeft; there our
greateft Enemy lyes; and there, are Grounds tor
daily Watching and Mourning.
III. I lhall offer fome Reafons, why we thould e-
fpecially notice the Sin of our Nature
1. Becaufe of all Sins, it is the meft Extenfive
and Dijjufi've. It goes thro’ the whole Man, and
fpoils all. Other Sins mar particular Rarts of the
'Image of God : But this doth at once deface die
whole. A Difeafe afte&ing any particular Member
of the Body is ill: But that which affe&s the
Whole is worfe. The Corruption of Nature is the
Poifon ol the old Serpent, caft into the Fountain of
A ft ion ; and fo infefts every Aftion, every Breath¬
ing of the Soul.
2. ’Tis the Caufe of all particular Lufts, and aft-
ual Sins, in our Hearts and Lives. ’Tis the Spawn
which the great Leviathan has left in the Souls of
IMen ; from whence comes all the Fry of afiual Sins
iand Abominations. Mark vii. 21. Out of the Heart
of Men proceed evil thoughts, Adulteries, Sic. ’Tis