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Head I. Sin of their Nature. 135
in the Houfe undifcovered. This is a weightyPoint;
and in handling of it,
I. I ihall, for Conviffton, point at fome Evi¬
dences of Mens overlooking the Sin of their Nature,
which yet the Lord takes particular Notice of.
(r.) Mens looking on themlelves with fuch Confi¬
dence, as if they were in no Hazard of grofs Sins.
Many would take it very hainoufly to get fuch a
Caution, as Chrift gave his Apoftles, Luke xxi. 34.
ike Heed of Surfeiting and Drunkennefs. If any
fhould fuppofe them to break out in grofs Abomi¬
nations, they’d be ready to fay. Am I a Dog? It
would raife the Pride of their Hearts, but not their
Fear and Trembling ; becaufe they know not the
Corruption of their Nature. (2.) Untendernefs to¬
wards thofe that fall. Many, in that Cafe, call
off all Bowels of Chriftian Compaffion ; for they
do not conjider tbemfelves, left they alfo be tempted.
Gal. vi. 1. Mens Paffions are often higheft againfl
the Faults of others, when Sin ileeps foundly in their
own Breafts. Even good David, when he was at
his werft, was nioft violent againfl the Faults of 0-
thers. While his Confcience was afleep under his
Guilt, in the Matter of Uriah-, the Spirit of the
Lord takes Notice, that his Zinger was Greatly kin¬
dled againft the Man, in the Parable, 2 Sam. xii.
5. And, on good Grounds, ’tis thought, it was at
the fame Time that he treated the Ammonites fo
cruelly, as is related ver. 31. Putting them wider
Saws, and under Harrows of Iron, and under Axes
of Iron, and making them pafs through theBirk-kiln*
Grace makes Men zealous againft Sin in others, as
well as in themfelves : But Eyes turned inward to
the Corruption of Nature, eloathe them with Pity
and Companion ; and fill them with Thankfulness
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