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130 ThefyoB. ef thcCorruption State II.
ployed in a more refined Sort of Service to Sin,
who carry the Devil’s Mark in their Right Hand;
which they can, and do hide from the View of the
World. Thefe are clofs Hypocrites, who facrifice
as much to the corrupt Mind, as the other to the
Flejh, Eph. ii. 3. Thefe arc ruined by a more un-
decernable Trade of Sin: Pride, Unbelief, Self-feek-
ing, ahd the like, fwarm in, and prey upon their
corrupted, wholly corrupted Souls. Both are Ser¬
vants of the fame Houfe ; the latter as far as the
former from Righteoufnefs.
Secondly, How is it poffible thou fhouldefl be
able to do any Good, thou whofe Nature is whol¬
ly corrupt ? Can Fruit grow where there’s no Root?
Or, can there be an Eftect without a Caufe ? Can
the Fig-tree bear OlimeBerries? Either a Vine Figs ?
If thy Nature be wholly corrupt, as indeed it is,
all thou doft is certainly fo too; for no Effeft can
exceed the Vertue of its Caufe. Can a corrupt ’Tree
bring forth good Fruit ? Mat. vii. 18.
Ah! what a miferable Spe&acle is he that can
do nothing but fin ! Thou art the Man, whofoever
thou art, that art yet in thy natural State. Hear,
O Sinner, what is thy Cafe.
Firfi, Innumerable Sins compafs thee about.
Mountains of Guilt ape lying upon thee. Floods
of Impurities overwhelm thee. Living Lufts of all
Sorts, roll up and down in the dead Sea of thy
Soul ,• where no Good can breathe, bccaufe of the
Corruption there. Thy Lips are unclean : The o-
pening of thy Mouth is as the opening of an un¬
ripe Grave, full of Stench and Rottcnnels, Rom. iii.
13. tfbeir throat is an open Sepulchre. Thy natu¬
ral Actions are Sin for when ye did eat, and when
ye did drink, did not ye eat for your felves, and