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The Corruption of State II.
Root of Unbelief is in ail Men by Nature, an^
reigns in you, and will reign, till overcoming Grace
captivate your Minds to the Belief of the Truth*
To convince you in this Point, confider thefe three
Evidence i. How few are there who have been
bleft with an inward Illumination, by the fpecial
Operation of the Spirit ol Chrift, letting them in¬
to a View of Divine Truths, in their fpiricual and
heavenly Luftre ? How have you learnt the Truths
of Religion, which ye pretend to believe ? Ye have
them meerly by the Benefit of external Revelation,
and of your Education ; Co that you are Chriftians,
juft becaufe you were not born and bred in a Pa¬
gan, but in a Chrifiian Country. Ye are Strangers
to the inward Work of the Holy Spirit, bearing
YVitnefs by, and with the Word in your Hearts ;
and fo you cannot have the Ajfurance of Faith, with
Refpedt to that outward t>ivine Revelation made m
the Word, i Cor, ii. jo, n, 12. And therefore ye
are ftill Unbelievers. It is •written in the Prophets,
And they Jhall be all taught of God.— Every Man
therefore that hath heard, and bath learned of the
Father cometh unto me, fays our Lord, John vi. 45.
Now ye have not come to Chrift;, thercrore ye have
not been taught of God: Ye have not been fo taught,
and therefore ye have not come; ye believe not. Be¬
hold the Revelation, from which the Faith even of
the fundamental Principles in Religion doth fpring,
Matth. xvi 16, 17. ihou art Chrift, the Son of the
Living God-— BleJJed art thou Simon Bar-jona:
Ifor FlcOo and Blood hath not reveal’d it unto thee,
hut my Father which is in Heaven. If ever the Spi¬
rit of the Lord take a Dealing with thee, to work
in thee that Faith, which is of the Operation of God