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54* The Corruption of State II.
Gift. And to make the Gift look the blacker, ’tis
added to all this, fhou gave ft to be with me, as my
conflabt Companion, to ftand by me as a Helper.
This lucks as if Adam . would have fathered an ill
Defign upon the Lord, in giving him this Gift.
And after all, there’s a new Demonftrative here, be¬
fore the Sentence is complete : He fays not, fhc
Woman gave me, but, the Woman foe gave me, em¬
phatically, as if he had laid, She, even foe gave me
of the Treed This much fof his Apology. But his
ConfeJJion is quickly over, in one Word (as he fpoke
i?) And I did eat. And there’s nothing here to
ppint to hitnfdf, and as little to fhew what he had
eaten. How natural is this black Art to Adam's
Foftcrity !: He that runs may read it. So univer-
fafry does SoUmon's Obfefve hold true,Prom. xvii. 3.
tfbe Fool'ifohefs of Man perverteth his Way ; and his
Heart fretteth againf the LORD. Let us then call
fallen Adam, Father; let Cis not deny the Relation,
feeing we bear his Image.
And now to ihut up this Point, fufficiently con¬
firmed by concurring Evidence, from the Lor n’s
Word, our own Experience, and Obfervation: Let
us be perfuaded to believe the Doftrine of the Cor¬
ruption of our Nature ; and to look to the fecond
Adam, tTTIeffed Jtfus, for the Application of his
precious Blood, to remove' t\\t Guilt of this Sin ,• and
for the Ffi. acy of his Holy Spirit, to make us new
Creatures knowing that except we be born again,
vie cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.
Of the Corruption of the Under ft and ing.
. S E)C o n d l y, I proceed to enquire into the Cor-
r HPt ion of Nature, in the fcveral Parts thereof. But