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Head I. is corrupted) proven, 4.7
muft it fprcad then, and ftrengthen itielf in that
Soul, where it is not ftarv’d but fed? And'this
is the Cafe of all th: Unregenerate, who make Pro-
lijion for the Flefh, to fulfil the Lufls thereof. If
the Garden of the Diligent afford him new Work
daily, in curing off and rooting up ; furely that of
the Sluggard, mull needs be all grown over with
Lafily, I lhall add but one Obferve more, and
thac is, That in every Man, naturally the Image
of fallen uidam dots appear. Some Children by their
Features and Lineaments of their Face, do, as it
were, father themfelves : And thus we do refemble
our firft Parents. Every one of us bears the Image
and Imprefs of their Fall upon him : And to evince
the Truth of this, I do appeal to the Confciences of
all, in thefe following Particulars.
Firft, Is not finful Curiofity natural to us ? and
is not this a Print of Adam's. Image ? Gen. iii. 6.
Is not Man naturally much more defirous to know
new Things, than to praffife old known Truths ?
How like to old Adam do we look in this, itching
after Novelties, and difrelifhing old folid Dc&rines ?
We feek after Knowledge rather than Holinefs; and
ftudy moft to know thefe Things, which are leaft
edifying. Our wild and roving Fancies need a
Bridle to crub them, while good folid Affe&ions
muff, be quickened and fpurred up.
Secondly. If the Lor d, by his holy Law and
wife Providence, do put a Keftraint upon us, to
keep us back from any Thing ; doth not that Re-
ftraint whet the Edge of our natural Inclinations,
and make us fo much the keener in our Dcfires >
And in this do we not betray it plainly, that we
are Adam's Children ? Gen. iii. 2, 3, 6. I think