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Head I. is corrupted, proven. 41
yea, and draw their firft Breath in the World weep¬
ing, as it they knew this World, at firft Sight, to be
a Boehm, the Place of Weepers. There are Graves
of the fmalleft, as well as of the largeft Size, in the
Church-yard; and there are never wanting fome in
the World, who, like Rachel are Weeping for their
Children, becaufe they are not, Mat. ii. 18.
Secondly, Oblerve how early this Corruption of
Nature begins to appear in young ones. Solomon ob-
ferves, that even a Child is known J^y his Doings,
Prov. xx. 11. It may foon be df^pmed, what Way
the Byafs of the Heart lies. Ua not the Children
of fallen Adam, before they can go alone, follow their
Father’s Footfteps ? What avail deal of little Pride,
Ambition, Curiojity, Vanity, JVilfulnefs, and Averfe-
tiefs to Goodappears in them ? And when they creep
out of Infancy, there’s a Necefficy of ufing the Rod
of Coneion to drive away the Foolifhnefs thafs
hound in their Heart, Prov. xxii. 15. which lhe,ws,
that if Grace prevail not, the Child will be as IJh-
tnael, a Wild-Afs-Man, as the Word is, Gen. xvi. 12.
‘Thirdly, Take a View of the manifold grofs Out-
breakings of Sin, in the World. The Wickeduefs
of Man is yet great in the Earth. Behold the bit¬
ter Fruits of the Corruption or our Nature, Hof. iv.
2. By fwearing and lying, and killing and ftealing,
and committing Adultery, they breakout (like the
breaking forth of Waters) and Blood toucheth Blood.
The World is filled with Filthinefs, and all Manner
ofLewdnefs, Wickednefs and Profanity. Whence
is this Deluge of Sin on the Earth, but from the
breaking up of the ’Fouwtomsoi the great Deep, the
Heart of Man; out of which proceed evil Thoughts,
Adulteries, Fornications, Murders, Thefts, Covetouf-
nefs, Wickednefs, See, Mark vii. 21, 22. Ye will.