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56 That Mans Nature State II.
quite overlook. And hers we fhall confult, i.God's
Word. 2. Mens Experience and Obfervation.
I. For Scripture Proof, let us coniider,
Firfi, How the Scripture takes particular Notice
of fallen Adam's communicating his Image to his
Pofterity, Gen. v. 3. Adam begat a Son in his own
Likene/s, after bis Image, and called his Name
Setb. Compare with this ver* 1. of that Chapter,
In the Days that God created Man, in the Likenefs
of God made he him. Behold here, how the Image
after which Man was made, and the Image after
which he is begotten, are oppofed. Man was made
in the Likenefs of Corf; that is, a holy and righteous
God made a holy and righteous Creature: But fallen
Adam begat a Son, not in the Likenefs of God, but
in his own Likenefs ; that is, corrupt {inful Adam
begat a corrupt finful Son. For as the Image of
God bore Righteoufnefs and Immortality in it, as
was cleared before; fo this Image of fallen Adam
bore Corruption and Death in it, 1 Cor. xv. 49, 5 o.
compare ttfr. 22. Mofes, in that fifth Chapter ot
Genejis, being to give us the firft Bill ot Mortality,
that ever was in the World, ufhers it in with this,
That dying Adam begat Mortals. Having film’d
he became mortal, according to the Threatnings ;
and fo he begat a Son, in his own Likenefs, finful,
and therefore Mortal: Thus Sin and Death palTeW.
on all. Doubt lefs, he begat both O'w and Abel in
his own Likenefs, as well as Seth. But it is not re¬
corded of Abel-, becaufe he left no Iflue behind him,
and his falling the firfi Sacrifice to Death in the
World, was a fufficient Document of it: Nor of
Cain, to whom it might have been thought peculiar,
becaufe of his monftrous Wickednefs ; and befides,
all his Pofterity was drowned in the Flood : But