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a3 Mans Original^ &c. State I.
by thefe Scrapes of Knowledge they have gathered !
But how much more eXquifite Pleafure had Adam,
while his piercing Eyes read the Book of God’s
Works which God laid before him, to the End
he might glorifie him in the fame; and therefore
hadfurely fitted him. for the Work ! But above all,
his Knowledge of God, and that as his God, and
the Communion he had with him, could not but
afford him, tfie moft refined and exquifite Pleafure
in the innermoft Recefl'es of his Heart. Great is
that Delight, which the Saints find in thefe Views
of the Glory of God, that their Souls are fome-
times let into ; while they are compafltd about
with many Infirmities : But much more may well
be allowed to finlefs Adam; no doubt he rellfh’d
thefe Pleafures at another Rate.
Lajlly, He was Immortal. He would never have
died, if he had not finned; ’twas in cafe of Sin
that Death was thre^tn’d, Gen. ii. 17. Which
jhews it to be the Confequcnt of Sin, and not of
the finlefs human Nature. The perfeft Conftitu-
tion of his Body, which came out of God’s Hand
very good; and the Righteoufnefs and Holinefs of
his Soul, remov’d all inward Caufes of Death : No¬
thing being prepar’d for the Grave’s devouring
Mouth, but the vile Body, Philip, iii. 21. And
thofe who have finned, Job xxiv. ip. And God’s
fpccial Gate of his innocent Creature, fecured him
againft outward Violence. The Apoftle’s Teftimo-
ny is exprefs, Rom. v. 12. By one Man Sin entred
into the World, and Death by Sm. Behold the
Door by which Death came in! Satan wrought
with his Lies till he got it opened, and fo Death
entred; and therefore is he faid to have been a
Murderer from the Beginning, John viii. 44.