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16 Man s Original Sate I.
^things are rmrtby of Death, Rom. i. 32. And
moreover, the Promife included in the Threatning, 1
fecur’d Adam’s Life, according to the Covenant, as •
long as he obeyed the natural Law, with the Ad¬
dition of that pofitive Command j fo that he needed
nothing to be exprefled to him in the Covenant,
but what concerned the eating of the forbidden
Fruit. That eternal Life in Heaven was promilt d
in this Covenant, is plain from this, That the
Threatning was of eternal Death in Hell; to which
when Man had made himfelf liable, Chrift was pro-
mifed, by his Death to purchafe eternal Life: And
Chrift himfelf expounds the Promile of the Covenant
of Works of Eternal Life, while he propoleth the
Condition of that Covenant, to a proud young Man,
who, tho* he had not Adam’s Stock, yet would
needs enter into Life in the Way of Working, as
Adam was to have done under this Coveoant, Matth.
xix. 17. If thou wilt enter into Life, (viz. eternal
Life, by doing, ver. 16.) keep the Commandments.
The Penalty was Death, Gen. ii. 17. In the Day
that thou eatejl thereof, thou Jhalt furely die. The
Death threatned was fuch, as the Life promifed
was ; and that moil juftly, to wit, temporal, fpi-
vitual, and eternal Death. The Event is a Corn-*
mentary on this: For that very Day he did eat
thereof, he was a dead Man, in Law; but the Exe¬
cution was flopped, becaufe of his Poftetity then
in his Loins; and another Covenant was prepar’d :
However, that Day his Body got its Death-
wounds, and became mortal. Death alfo feiz’d
his Soul: He loft his original Righteoufnefs and
the Favour of God; witnefs the Gripes and Throws
of Confcience, which made him hide himfelf from
God. And he became liable to eternal Death,