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2 The Explication State I.
wuft be in the State of Grace> as created in Chrijt
Jefus unto good Works, if ever he be made a Par¬
taker of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light.
And, Lafily, What he (hall be in his eternal State,
aS made by the Judge of all, either perfe&ly Happy,
or completely Miferable, and that for ever. Thefe
are weighty Points, that touch the Vitals of practi¬
cal Godlinefs, from which, molt Men, and even
many Profeflbrs, in thefe Dregs of Time, are quite
eftranged. 1 defign therefore,under the "Divine Con¬
duct, to open up thefe Things, and apply them.
I begin with the firft of them, namely. The State
of Innocence: That beholding Man polijhed after the
Similitude of a Palace, the Rhins may the more at-
feCt us ; we may rhe more prize that matcbleis Per-
fon, whom the Father has appointed the Repairer
of the Breach; and that we may, with fix’d Rcfolves,
betake our felves to that Way, which Icadeth to the
City that hath unmoveable Foundations.
‘"ih the "Text we have Three Things;
i. The State of Innocence mhccdn Man was cre¬
ated. God hath made Man upright. By Man here,
we are to nnderftand our firft Parents ; the arche¬
typal Pair, the Root of Mankind, the compendiz’d
World, and the Fountain from whence all Genera¬
tions have ft ream’d; as mhy appear by Comparing
Gen. v. i. and 2. Verfes In the Day that God
created Man, in the Likenefs of God made he him.
Male and Female created he them, and bleffed them,
(as the Root of. Mankind) and called their Name
Adam. The original Word is the fame in our
Text. In this Senfe, Man was made Right (agree¬
ably to the Nature of God, whofe Work is perfcCt)
without any Imperfection, Corruption, or Principle