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(24) Contents -
The C O N T E N T S.
The fdaee-Girden. jsy
The Royal Treafuie*. ftS
The Temple in thi'i Kingdom. Jaf
The Society there.
The Society of the Saints among themfelvtt. Jit
Society with the Holy jingeh. Sl°
Glorious Communion with God and Chrifi, the Perfedion c/ 7
mppinefr. iV
The gloricut Prefence of God and the Lamb. J J® •
The full Enjoyment ejf God and the Lanib. SH
By Sight. tif
They'll fee Chrift.wifA their bodily Eye*. JJ®
They'll fee God, with the Eyet of the Mind. J39
By experimental Knowledge. <4*
Fulnefi of Joy Unfpeakable. J4®
The Eternal Duration of this Kingdom. 54?
The Saints Admifsion to the Kingdom. 54*
77>e Quality in which they're introduced. i f°
Trial of the Claim to the Kingdom of Heaven. 55 J
Duty and Comfort of tie Heirs of the Kingdom. 554
Exhortation to thefe who 'have no Right to it. 559
HTa d VI Hell difeourfed from Mat. XXV. 41. 560
THe Curie under which the Damned/hall he Pint up in Hell.
Their Mifery, under that Gerfe.
The Punifhment of Lois, Separation from God.
The Horror of Separation from God, evinc'd by feveral Con-
Jiderations. 569
The Punifhment of Senfe, departing into Fire. yff
Hell-Fire more vehement and terrible than any other, evinc'd
59'* ; |
by feveral Confiderations.%
Six Properties of the Fiery Torments in Hell.
--- -- Three Inferences from this DoSlrine.
Society with Devils in this miferable State.
The Eternity of the whole. yqz
What Eternity is. ib.
What is Eternal in the State of the Damned.
Reftibniblehefs of the Eternitfcf the Puni/hment of the Damned. {98
A meafuring Reed to meafure our Time and Endeavours for Salve
tion by. ■ ■■ ■ ' 6oc"
A Balance to difeover the Lightnefi of what is falfly thought weighty,
and-the Weight of what’s fal/ly thought light. 60s
Sxhorririon r« flee from the Wrath to come.