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(16) Contents -
I. The State of I n n o c i n c e, or Primitive
Integrity, difcourfedfrom Ecclef. vii. 29.
OF Matit Original Righteoufnefs. j
His Underftanding a Lamp of Light. 6
Bis Will firaight with the Will of GoJ. 7
His Affeftions orderly and pure. 9
The Qualities of this Righteoufuefr. 10
Of Mans Original Happinefs. * J
Man a glorious Creature. ib-
The Favourite of Heaven. <4
The Covenant of Work*. «b.
Lord of the World. H
The Forbidden Tree a Stay to keep him from falling. 19
Bis perfefl Tranquillity. 20
Ufe of pure Delight. 11
Man Immortal at
la^rufhons from this Stare. aj
Three forts of Perfons reproved. 54
A Lamentation over the Ruines.
II. The State of Nature, or State of E n t i r e
Head I. The Sinfulness of Man’s natural
State, difcourfed from Gen. vi. 5. 28
rHat Man's Nature is corrupted, proven 3f
From Goa’s Word. 36
From Men’s Experience, and Obfervation. 40
Fallen Adam’/ Image, in Eleven Particulars, natural to Men. 47